This blog is a replacement for the first rather crude site that was thrown together in October 2004. The original site was hosted on a free service that started requiring a minimal monthly unique visitor hit rate that the site was not capable of producing so it subsequently lost its lease.
Although a Blogger account is not really intended for sites like this, I think that it will actually work quite well and be a lot more reliable. As an added bonus posts seem to be logged by Google much more quickly and consistently than ordinary web sites (it probably helps that Blogger is run by Google). Hopefully this will help classmates run across the site.
Blogger is highly customizable and I welcome anyone who wants to spiff it up (or even take ownership of it if you're highly motivated) to let me know and administrator access can be arranged.
Invitations have been, or shortly will be, sent out to everyone who had their contact info posted on the original site to create a free Blogger ID to allow access to make posts. A Blogger account is not necessary to view the site, but is required if you want to make comment on or contribute posts. This is necessary to make the blog available to the world so classmates will find it while at the same time restricting who can add content only to classmates and friends.
As with the old site,
no personal contact information will be posted without your express permission. E-mail address links on this page are dynamically generated to protect against automated harvesting. It won't stop the CIA, but does provide a reasonable level of protection from commercial e-mail spiders.
If you are concerned about your e-mail address ending up on a spam list you should consider getting an alternate e-mail address. There are several free services available such as
TechEmail, and lots of others. Most have the option to send a notification to your primary e-mail when new mail arrives.
If you would like to use an alternate e-mail but don't feel up to creating one yourself let me know and I can set one up for you.
For the ultra-paranoid who would still like to participate, you can specify that your contact information will be sent out only by request to this site and only after your approval.
Send your contact information or any other requests to
Please pass the word about this site to any of our classmates who may be interested.